Are you offended by a scarf? Michelle Malkin thinks you should be. ~ News, Politics and Anything Else I Want to Say

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Are you offended by a scarf? Michelle Malkin thinks you should be.

This morning I read an article about a new Dunkin' Donuts ad that was pulled due to spokeswoman Rachel Ray wearing a scarf. Gasps! Oh no, not a scarf! Conservative blogger and FOX New contributor Michelle Malkin is one of those outraged. She doesn't want to call it a scarf. She wants it to be a keffiyeh. "The keffiyeh, for the clueless, is the traditional scarf of Arab men that has come to symbolize murderous Palestinian jihad." Has it really become some symbol? I am guessing most Americans fall in that "for the clueless" group. It sure looks like a scarf to me. Stirring up controversy must be fun.

It really is a shame though that so many fashions and symbols have to go out of style because of someone's ideology. The toothbrush mustache will never be cool again thanks to Hitler.

I am glad I am not alone in thinking this is a slow news day and Malkin is looking for some attention though.

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